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Customer Testimonials

12/2/09 - I  just wanted to let you know that we purchased one of your trees from Nancy and Bob in Van Alstyne Texas and your trees are beautiful. We ended up with a 10 ft Noble fir and it is the most beautiful tree we have ever had. We lived in Maryland for several years and North Carolina and I have to say that none of the trees we have ever gotten (and we went out to the farms and cut them down) have ever been as perfect!!!  We love it and hope we can get one every year!
Emily and Marc, Dallas Texas

11/25/09- They all look wonderful. Your Noble, Douglas, and Grand firs have to be the most beautiful trees that we have ever gotten from anyone.  And I'm not just saying that. .You all do just a beautiful job.  We will definitely get our trees from you next year. We will recommend to anyone to get their pre-cuts from you.  Keep us on your mailing list for next year. - Nancy and Bob - Texas Customer

11/20/09 - Every year we think they can't get any better, that they are the best we have ever seen, and yet, this year the trees you sent are utterly stunning. - Thank you!!! - Dianna - Alaska

12/08/08 - "The trees are flying out of the door" - California customer.

02/08/08 - "Our season went well and I found a left over branch in my garage. I could not believe that the branch was still holding needles and not all dried out; especially here in our dry, hot climate." - Las Vegas customer.

11/07/08 - "The trees arrived last week right on time, and they are the most beautiful trees we have ever received. The first one we unwrapped (one of the 9/10s) was, I believe, the most perfect tree ever grown. We had ordered 30% more trees than in the past 8 years, and of that increase, we only had 4 trees left over, even after having three major chain outlets in out small town also dealing trees. So, there you go!" - Alaska Customer

Governor's Tree
Governor's Christmas Tree with Mark Robb


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Modified - May 22, 2013